




  • 硕士在西悉尼大学教育(领导)
  • 从卧龙岗大学教育学士学位
  • A Certificate in Rudolf Steiner Education from Parsifal College
  • 是经过认证的人生教练和NLP执行师
  • 是国际教练联合会的成员
  • 是国际积极心理学协会成员,
  • 是持牌心理坚韧用户
  • 一直以来,对于这种积极性的研究所与苏茜格林博士担任高级研究员
  • 已在教育心理学,教育学和福利讲授了10年在西悉尼大学
  • 2014年丹妮拉放置在顶部3“年度讲师”作为评价学生对她的接合风格
  • Has lectured at Sydney University, Macquarie University and ACPE
  • 是新南威尔士州高级经理户外教育集团(OEG)
  • Was program writer for ReachOut.com
  • 是程序开发人员为国际学院健康教练
  • 是一个任课老师,班主任,年顾问,事件管理,体育管理,新教师导师,课程作家和学校中发生的许多其他角色


在教育教在许多领域25 years, I know all too well the stress, frustrations and struggles teachers face. Growing up in South-West Sydney, I started my career with the NSW Department of Education in the same area. As a young Physical Education and Health teacher, I was excited, passionate and ready to change the world.

As a first-year teacher, not only did I have to find my way in teaching and classroom management, the tradition was that I would be given the role of organising whole school sport as well. This involved organising sport for over 900 students and 70 staff weekly by reading draws, allocating teams between busses, as well as informing staff of their venues, not to mention appeasing them to ensure they were allocated a sport of their preference. This coupled with having to chase up students resulted in high pressure and high stress. It really was a matter of sink or swim, and for the privilege, I received no extra income and no thanks, but was gifted a one-period allocation of 50 minutes a week.

After doing this for 2 years, the next beginning teacher arrived and I was pleased to hand over the reins. During this time, while I did the best I could with the resources I had (both internal and external), I struggled. When looking back now, I cringe at the manner in which my induction as a new teacher occurred as well as being disappointed in how I handled the stress. I put a lot of pressure on myself to ‘get-it-right’ and would often punish myself by working longer and harder if things went wrong. Each day I would wake up with sheer determination to give more and do more only to be completely exhausted. To my colleagues I was a high functioning ‘go-getter’ but most days I wanted to curl up in a corner and cry.



There had to be another way….. I was spending 80% on things that I didn’t care about, but ‘had’ to do, and only 20% of my energy on things I actually cared about such as the students.

I have always had a love of learning and have been a seeker of knowledge, wisdom and universal truths for as long as I can remember. This was perhaps driven by my need to understand the dynamics of my highly dysfunctional family and upbringing, not to mention get out of there as quickly as possible. I left home when I was sixteen, worked three jobs to put myself through university and learned very quickly to be independent, solution-focussed and work with the resources you have. This story for another day, however, the point is, I embarked on a quest to find a better way of doing things, an alternate way and a holistic system.



I was so excited to be entering a system where the philosophy spoke to my heart, students were at the centre of the school, where wellbeing was the priority and community belonging was foundational. I thought this school would be the answer.

Well….. I am a big advocate of Steiner education, its philosophy and its pedagogy, however, schools are schools and people are people. There were some students who I loved and adored and would go above and beyond to meet their needs. There were other students were I imagined driving in the school gate and accidentally nudging them with my car (to knock some sense into them). I didn’t of course, but I may have come close a few times. Then there were the parents who some of which I had true partnerships with, yet others would open their mouth and I would think to myself “Hmmm, that’s why?” Then, of course, there were the teachers. Some of these teachers are my best friends to this day, and others I hoped choked on their lunch, terrible I know. The point is no one school had the magic answer that I was looking for.




我意识到,而不是着眼于学校制度和人民为我感到支持和赞赏,我需要看看所有这些场景的一个常数 - 我!






Whilst attending yet another conference, I picked up some brochures on Life Coaching. I was intrigued so I went along to some workshops. I was fascinated at the power of linguistics. I loved how questions directed a persons focus and how the simple shift in perspective had mind-blowing implications. Why had no-one shared these simple yet practical tools with me as an educator? Why aren’t all teachers learning how to give high-quality feedback in strategic ways that empower others? Imagine if teachers were taught to reflect on their own practice in a positive way to counter the self-critic? How simple and effective these tools were.


I had to find a way to share these amazing resources with teachers.

当我继续学习,在生活和工作中成长,我离开了户外教育公司开始自己开发,将支持教师和学生的社会和情感发展资源的业务。万博manbetx合法吗我很天真,认为这只是简单的写作资源,然后卖它 - 哈!万博manbetx合法吗






My vision comes from my commitment to helping teachers realise there is another way.